Section 8


Section 8 Administrative Plan

2017 Payment Standards

Application Download


What do I need to do to get my unit on the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program?

The landlord does not have to do anything, initially, unless they would like to add their unit to our list of available units for rent to families who apply through the HCV Program. If a landlord should decide to list their unit, they can still lease their property to others who are not on our program.

Once I rent my unit through the HCV Program is it always a "HUD" unit?

The unit is only considered "HUD" assisted when you have a family in the unit receiving HCV assistance. Once the family moves out, the lease is up and the assistance stops.

Does the HUD Agency find the tenant to go in my unit?

We can list your unit on our "available units" listing. Once the applicants have been approved and issued a voucher, the applicant is responsible for finding a unit they are qualified for. The landlord is responsible for screening and selecting the family they would like to occupy their unit – just like you would with any other tenant.

Does the HUD agency pay all the rent for the family/tenant?

The amount of rent paid by the family and our Agency is determined by several factors. The family’s income, household size, the contract rent charged by the landlord, and the utilities the family must pay, are all factored into who is responsible for what amount paid to the landlord. Once the amounts paid are determined, the family’s portion will be paid directly to the landlord. The GCDA will send a check for the remanding amount to the landlord.

How long is the contract with the HUD agency?

The Housing Assistance Payment contract, or HAP, has an initial term of one-year. The family is required by program rules to remain in the unit for that initial term. After the initial year term, the lease can be renewed for another year unless either the landlord or the family does not wish to renew. However, if the lease is renewed, the family may move at any time by giving a thirty (30) day written notice to the landlord and our Agency.

Can the landlord terminate the lease?

Yes. The landlord may give notice to terminate the lease with the family. You must follow your lease when terminating the lease. A copy of the notice must be given to our Agency.

Other Information to Landlords about leasing through the HCV Program:

  1. Landlords are responsible for screening and selecting the families to lease their units.
  2. The unit must be located in Barren County, Kentucky in order to receive assistance through our Agency.
  3. Once a family has been approved and issued a voucher to receive assistance, the family will have a form titled "Request for Tenancy Approval" (RTA) for the landlord to complete and return to us for approval. (The RTA is only a request by the family and landlord to receive assistance for the listed unit, it is not a contract.)
  4. Once the family is approved to receive assistance in the proposed unit, an inspection is scheduled for the unit. The unit must pass a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection before receiving assistance. If the unit should fail the initial inspection, the landlord will be notified of the deficiencies and given time to repair them to comply with HQS. If the landlord chooses not to fix the deficiencies, the unit cannot receive assistance.
  5. The landlord will be required to provide a copy of their proposed lease for their unit(s), proof of ownership of the property, a picture identification card and complete a W-9 form before a contract is signed and payments are received.
  6. The family must not receive HCV program assistance while residing in a unit owned by a parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sister or brother of any member of the family, unless the PHA has determined that approving rental of the unit, not withstanding such relationship, would provide reasonable accommodation for a family member.
  7. To list a unit on our list of available units you must provide the following information:
    1. Landlord’s Name
    2. Landlord’s contact phone number
    3. Address of unit available for rent
    4. Bedroom size of unit
    5. Monthly rent charged by landlord
    6. Any other information regarding unit, such as: number of bathrooms, any utilities included in the rent or other amenities.
  8. HCV assistance may begin on the first (1st) of the month following the property passing inspection, submission of all required information and signature by participant and landlord on leases and contracts.
  9. The Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) will be issued in the form of a check by our office and mailed directly to the landlord.